Beginners Photography Half-Day Course in Sydney.
Never handled a digital camera thingummy before? No problem this half-day class starts with the absolute basics. Logical, fun and very practical. You will learn by doing.
All of the classes are conducted by Andy Piggott, a professional photographer with a wealth of knowledge and a fun approach to teaching photography. The small groups assure lots of 1 on 1 instruction.
Coming with a friend or partner who knows more or less than you? Although aimed at beginners, more experienced camera users will still learn a few new things and get a solid revision of the fundamentals of photography.
We have FREE loan cameras, just ask for one on the booking form.
Level: Total BEGINNERS / Anyone wanting Refresher
Duration: A Half-Day (3.5 - 4 Hours)
Cost: $120 includes 'Coffee and Cake Break'