Half Day Beginners Photography

skyline300This Half Day Workshop will show you how to use your digital camera using settings beyond straight automatic.

The small class size means plenty of personal attention. If you are a beginner I will show you what you need to know now. If you already know the basics I will help you take your photography to the next level. 

Beginners Photography Half-Day Course in Sydney.
Never handled a digital camera thingummy before? No problem this half-day class starts with the absolute basics. Logical, fun and very practical. You will learn by doing.
All of the classes are conducted by Andy Piggott, a professional photographer with a wealth of knowledge and a fun approach to teaching photography. The small groups assure lots of 1 on 1 instruction.

Coming with a friend or partner who knows more or less than you? Although aimed at beginners, more experienced camera users will still learn a few new things and get a solid revision of the fundamentals of photography.
We have FREE loan cameras, just ask for one on the booking form.

Level: Total BEGINNERS / Anyone wanting Refresher
Duration: A Half-Day (3.5 - 4 Hours)

Cost: $120 includes 'Coffee and Cake Break'

Photography in Sydney: Barracks Cafe
Beginners Half-Day Photo Class Sydney
Saturday 15th November
Saturday 20th December
Friday 2nd January
[si-contact-form form='1']
Hyde Park, Sydney, Australia

Customer Comments

Andy - I immensely enjoyed your half-day beginner's class! As an amateur photographer, everything you taught me was perfect to get me started on my photography journey. Thank you so much, you're brilliant!

Ally Burnie

An absolutely fantastic course. I learnt so much in a small space of time- everybody in the course did no matter what their level of experience. There was so much to take in and Andy was a fabulous teacher. Highly recommended!!!

Taya Conomos

Light and Shadows. Photography courses in Sydney, Australia

Andy, you taught me so many new skills that I did not know. It was an easy class for me but I still learnt so much. Thank you so much for the hours that we spent together learning. It was very fun and I would definitely do it again.

Anzu Prenter

I thoroughly enjoyed my beginners class this morning. I like that Andy prompts participants throughout the course to take notes at the important parts. The course followed a logical sequence, this made it easier for me to follow. I also loved morning tea at the Barracks. Not only was it a lovely spread, it allowed my brain a bit of a break. Andy, thank you for your patience & I loved that you went around to each participant & showed them what to do on their own camera so that it didn’t matter what camera you had. A great morning.

Tanya Pighin

Great morning albeit the weather wasn't all that special. I learn't more about my camera in a few hours than I have in the last 12 months. Money very well spent.

Brad Horan

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Important information:

In the case of bad weather:

If the weather conditions are too bad e.g. heavy rain or strong winds the class may be postponed and we will send a text message to your mobile phone based on the Bureau of Meteorology weather forecast at 6pm the day before the class. 
(see www.bom.gov.au/weather/nsw/)

We will try to reschedule the class to suit the majority of participants.

What to Bring:

Camera either a DSLR or Interchangeable-lens 'Mirrorless' or a High End Compact. Please include the model number in the form so that we can make sure it's suitable. We have FREE loan DSLRs - just let us know.

Please make sure that your camera battery is fully charged and that your memory card is empty or has minimum 8gb of space. Plus a note pad and pen.