Gift Vouchers Important Information
1. We send the Gift Certificate to you as a printable PDF file. We CANNOT send certificates by 'snail mail'.
2. Please make sure that we have the recipient's name and the message that you want to appear on the certificate. There is no extra charge for preparing the certificate but we are a two person business and Gift Certificates are quite labour intensive so PLEASE check your wording and spelling before submitting the form. Any changes (other than caused by our error) will incur a service fee of $20.
3. Please make sure that we have a contact phone number for you.
4. We will email a payment request to you with a link to the PayPal website that you can pay with your Visa or MasterCard (you do not have to register with PayPal). We will email the printable PDF file within a few hours of you paying. Please note this is the ONLY way we can take payment via card.
Alternatively you can pay by 'Direct Debit'.
5. Certificates are valid until the the end of March 2016. Please print out the instruction sheet to give with the certificate. The recipient can then contact us or book through the website.
6. New dates are added to the schedule as the classes fill.
7. We are very happy to lend the recipient a suitable camera for the course FREE of charge.