Creative Photography in Sydney – 1 Day Course

Photo course in Sydney: Creative Photography in practice.Creative Photography in Sydney – 1 Day Course

Perhaps you have done one of our classes before, either the ‘Half-Day’ (was previously 3 hr) or the One day workshop. This is a ‘level 2’ workshop where we build on what was covered in the first workshop and look more at the creative side of photography. The course covers composition and design, understanding light and lots more. We finish with a fun ‘Low-light and Night Photography’ session.

You may already know the basics of speeds and apertures or be getting back in to photography after a break, you will get lots out of this class as we take pictures around The Rocks.

Creative Photography Course - 1 Day in Sydney

When you already know the basics of shutter speeds, f-stops and depth-of-field you are ready for this one day course that will get you shooting more creatively.

We start with a little bit of a recap of the fundamentals before exploring some more advanced topics including 'Subject Reflectivity' and 'Spot Metering'.
This one day photography class is more about the creative side of photography, there will be lots of tips on Composition to help you produce more visually striking images. We will explore how the changing nature of light can be best exploited to reveal form and texture, how the interplay of light and shade creates mood and atmosphere.
The class is very hands-on, 'learn by doing' . A small group means that you get lots of personal attention. We will have a good time exploring the photographic possibilities of the Rocks - a great place to practice your newly aquired skills.
For a fun ending the final session is a Night Photography shoot. (We have FREE loan tripods)

Level: 'I have done a course before'/ Already know basics
Course Duration: 1 Day (6 Hours approx)
Cost: $195 including light refreshments

Sydney creative photography course: Painting with light
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Important announcement

After nearly Eight Years of running photography courses,  Di and I have made the difficult decision to close our small business down.

Sadly for us (and I think for photography in general) not enough people want to take their photography beyond the limits of the mobile phone.

Di and I would like to give sincere thanks to the 5000 plus people that have taken part in the classes. We hope that you continue to enjoy the wonderful world of photography.

Thanks and Best Wishes,

Andy & Di Piggott

Comments about our Courses

Absolutely brilliant! Exactly what I wanted. Andy is very friendly and has a great deal of knowledge and experience.

Caroline Mills

Great opportunity to hear and understand the theory then experiment to reinforce the skills and understandings. Thanks Andy

Tony Lo Cascio

The Rocks in Sydney - a great place to  improve your photography

Thank you so much. The last course I did was entirely theory and I was so completely overwhelmed by information that it was all too much. Your step by step process and practical approach was just what I needed. Now I am looking forward to practice what I have learned and build up to see you for the next phase. Belinda

Belinda Christie

This course was loads of fun and made loads of things I've never understood make total sense. Andy is very welcoming and the whole experience was incredible. I would highly recommend this course.

Gemma Carroll

See More Comments...

Understanding lenses

Important information:

In the case of bad weather:

If the weather conditions are too bad e.g. heavy rain or strong winds the class may be postponed and we will send a text message to your mobile phone based on the Bureau of Meteorology weather forecast at 6pm the day before the class. 

We will try to reschedule the class to suit the majority of participants.

What to Bring:

Camera either a DSLR or Interchangeable-lens 'Mirrorless' or a High End Compact. Please include the model number in the form so that we can make sure it's suitable. We have FREE loan DSLRs - just let us know.

Please make sure that your camera battery is fully charged and that your memory card is empty or has minimum 8gb of space. Plus a note pad and pen.